This is just short trailer. To watch full movie please go to website Madchen Ohne Manner
Title: Madchen Ohne Manner
Category:Actress: Uschi KarnatDuration:71 min Country:Germany Year:1995
Rita (Rita Waldenberg), Elsa (Uschi Karnat) and Ursula (Ursula Maria Schaefer) share a room in an all girls boarding school located in a beautiful villa. Their favorite and seemingly only class is sexual education taught by Fraulein Steif (Martina Do... mingo). They gladly accept homework and even do some research of their own, as the local baker (Roman Huber), photographer (Eric Falk), greengrocer and several inanimate objects (Mr. Cucumber & Electric Tootbrush) soon find out. And when they aren’t around, the girls still have each other. read more